Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A little quilty retreat

This last weekend, some of my fellow Washington DC Modern quilt guild sisters Mari, Jessie, Linda and Melinda  decided to head up to Bedford, Pennsylvania for a little get away. Jessie had worked her magic one day when she was visiting her family. She went to Mary’s Quilt Shop for a little sew in and discovered that Mary also ran a retreat right next to the quilt shop. Mary designs for Windham Fabrics. She also collects antique quilts and designs reproduction style fabric.

It was so interesting to learn a little bit about how Mary designed some of the prints and even a Baltimore Album panel. I also really enjoy opening my eyes to other styles from the ones I tend to prescribe to.

The retreat part of the building has been wonderfully restored.

I loved the staircase and all the curved walls and arches.

Each bed had vintage quilt on it. So much fun!


Even the little town is so quaint.

The restaurant we ate at a couple of times was styled with quilts and all kinds of country inspired objects. I was trying really hard to convince Linda that she needed that stack of baskets on the top shelf.

I think it was the perfect getaway! What’s not to love about only girl time, sewing and no schedules. It was also my Birthday weekend and that made it even more special to me.


We topped the weekend off with a little lecture but I’ll save that for another post;)


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