Sunday, November 11, 2012

Jay McCarroll event and my feelings about “Modern” as far as quilting goes.

I have signed up for two sort of local Modern Quilt guilds. Neither one is close, but they are the closest MODERN guilds to me. I am not a type-A person and so it took me a while to even step out of my comfort zone to attend one of the meetings. Now, I can say I’ve attended TWO whole events. Wahoo, right? So when I saw that both the Baltimore and DC guilds were combining together for an event, I decided to go. Jay McCarroll spoke.



On my way there, I was listening to music as I drove along. It was over an hour drive, so lots of time for music. I flipped from Country, to Top 40, a little classical and then just ended up on something. Who knows. But I was thinking how I don’t like just one kind of music. I like many. I just like good music. I like the way music makes me feel.

I wasn’t sure what it would be like to listen to a guy talk for 3 hours. But it was really fun. He has no filter which I totally loved. The way he spoke, was totally the way a creative person talks. Some people speak in a line, but creative people, IMO, speak like a tree, breaking off into branches. I can follow that way of thinking because that is how I think and talk. Staying on topic is not natural for me. I was delighted with his personality and his stories. There were indeed Jazz Hands involved and lots of just funny stuff.

During his talking, he asked what we called ourselves…Sewists, Sewers, Quilter etc. Then he said something to the effect of let’s just all make stuff and like it. Of course this is my with my overly simple way of explaining it. I think I would call myself a “Maker”. I like to make things because it satisfies my need to create.

Jessie from DC Modern Quilt was there

I sat with Jessie and Elle from DC Modern Quilt Guild.

That leads me to this. What is a Modern Quilter anyway? I went to The Modern Quilt Guild blog and read their description of what Modern Quilting is. And while I identify with some of what they described, some of it I didn’t identify with at all. I like my designs to make sense. I like graphic design, negative space and an all over sense of calm.

Elle brought a bunch of blocks our guild is going to work on putting together.

There were a handful of women working on hand stitching, binding, basting hexies, and even knitting. I think it is fun to see other Makers in the process of making.

It was a lot of fun to connect with other creative minds. I finally got to meet Heather from Baltimore Quilt Guild. She is just as sweet as you would imagine. The Baltimore Quilt Guild is very active and has lots of activities going on.

On the way home from the event, I was flipping around on the stations again. I just love music. I don’t like just one kind of music. And I don’t like just one style of quilting or quilt fabric.

I think a Modern Quilting is more about connecting, inspiring, learning and sharing. It isn’t just one aesthetic. It is a creative journey. It good design and technique.

PS. I buy most of my solid fabric at Joann’s, and I don’t have a huge fabric stash. And I still consider myself a Modern Quilter/Quiltest/Sewest/Sewer/Maker.

What about you? What makes a Modern Quilter?


  1. I wish I could have gone but I just live too far away. I like the unbrownness and uncaliconess of modern quilting but other than that I'm not sure what the difference is! I think it might be more of an attitude than an art form.

  2. Hi Anjeanette,
    My thoughts have been brewing on this topic as well. I tried blogging about it but the words were not coming out in a positive tone, so I decided I needed more time to think.
    The main thing that I have been thinking is that when the founders of the Modern quilt movement wrote that definition of Modern quilting, they surely didn't mean it to be a set of commandments for everyone who wished to call themselves a Modern Quilter to live by. I think that they just needed a description of where the majority of people within the movement are at this time, and that was what they could come up with.
    I believe that the spirit of Modern quilting is the joy of improvisation, and the reinterpretation of quilt traditions into something fresh and new. And really, that has been going on for generations already, each time someone took an old pattern and made it in the current fabrics of the day... so in a nutshell,
    what's old is new again. But with Flickr.

  3. I am a Maker... I like that term a lot, thanks! ....and I don't even try to define Modern Quilting - or my quilting... I make what I like to make, my way , for people I love... sometimes it looks more "modern" perhaps - but it looks just right to me.

  4. We've only just started a modern guild here and we're finding that the definition is a little loose and I think being modern also means being comfortable with that indefinite definition. lol. There's only a handful of us and we all have very diverse styles but one of the reasons that our members are drawn to this new guild is that desire for a smaller, more connected group so I think you've hit the nail on the head...

  5. Would have loved to attend a 3 hour talk by Jay McCarrol! Just started sewing with some of his newest line fabric. Thank you for sharing!
    The topic of modern quilting is an interesting one. There's so much inspiration to be found in old quilts and new designers. I don't want to be limited by just one set of rules, but choose my set of rules for each quilt I am making. Variation is the spice of quiltmaking...
    ; )

  6. I think Maker is a great definition, and it sounds like you are getting into the groove of the guilds. Good for you. Keep putting one foot in front of the other - you'll keep finding fresh new ideas to direct your 'making' in new and wonderful ways. By the way, LOVE the blue & orange block that you showed.

  7. How fun that you got to meet Jay! I loved him on project runway. I am glad you are in a quilt guild, it's fun to do things with others.

  8. Well said - I am a multiple personality quilter, too. I love traditional blocks, whether they are made modern or kept quaint and wholesome. We are so lucky we get to choose what we enjoy making these days, without raising eyebrows.


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