Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Yoda Valentine Box

Not to be outdone by his younger brother, my oldest son decided he would like a quick sewing lesson. He has stitched with me before, but he just didn’t care for it at the time. This time, I think he figured if his younger brother could do it (and LOVE it), he could try it too. But you know, Yoda would say “Do or do not;There is no try.”


I think he DID a bang up job! I didn’t draw/trace any of the shapes for him. I told him how to do it and he got to do it all by himself.

Younger brother reaaaaally wanted to help. He was so cute, telling big brother how to do everything. Big brother picked it up quickly and was pushing the right buttons and lifting the right levers in no time.


I again used my favorite trick to sew details onto felt. I had him draw the features of Yoda and then with a teeeeeny stitch length, stitch on the lines.

 yoda 2 

He was so proud of himself! He even said it was really cool to sew with Mom.

Little brother rearranged things in my studio while Big brother was sewing. I am now missing a thing or two, but he is now so interested with everything in my studio and being part of it. I can’t tell you enough how my heart was singing yesterday with both my boys in my studio and loving it!

This is the stuff life is about!!



  1. That is so awesome! I am glad that they enjoyed sewing with you!

  2. LOVE that they decided to learn, Beautiful job!


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